Ever since the launch of WhatsApp, encrypted messages have been thought to be a must for messaging applications. Unfortunately, Facebook’s Messenger lacked this feature for the longest amount of time. However, that has changed as Facebook now has brought its own version of encrypted messages in the form of Secret Conversations.
Here in this article, we’ll explain how to view secret conversations on Messenger and browse the history.
Similar to WhatsApp, encrypted messages have made their way into Facebook’s Messenger, but they work differently from the other apps. In WhatsApp, all chats are automatically encrypted, and no separate setting should be enabled to enable the end-to-end encryption.
However, on Messenger, only Secret Conversations are encrypted conversations, and they must be created separately from your original convo thread. End-to-end encryption means that no one in the middle can intercept your chat, not even Facebook’s employees if they wanted to.
There are specific problems with these Secret Conversations, in any case. No group chat can have this feature, and only one-on-one conversations can be encrypted. Although there is no different limit on the type of data one can send through these Secret Conversations, the caveat is that it must be a completely new conversation thread.
Besides, your original thread simply cannot be converted into a Secret Conversation chat, and the two will remain completely independent of each other with merging of content in between. Lastly, notifications from Secret Conversations will also have hidden by default.
There are some ways to view Secret Conversations on Messenger in 2025. However, using a third-party app remains one of the best choices here. One such app is Spylix which allows both Android and iOS monitoring tools, allowing users to view Secret Conversations and the like, all through a well-built monitoring app.
Spylix’s monitoring system is not limited to only social media apps. It can also keep track of call logs, text messages, iMessages, and general media files.
You can follow the instructions below to learn how to enable Spylix on the target iPhone or Android device to access Messenger Secret Conversations:
Learn how to see Secret Conversations on Messenger with Spylix by following the guide below:
Step 1: Sign Up
Create a new account on Spylix by providing your email address and setting a password. Next, choose iOS as the device, and select a subscription plan.
Step 2: Set Up Spylix with iCloud
Going further, enter the target user’s iCloud Credentials to verify the person and device.
Step 3: Check Secret Conversations
Once the verification is complete, access the Control Panel from your device, and open the Messenger feature to check Secret Conversation history.
Check the following steps to understand how to see secret conversations on messenger through the target Android phone:
Step 1: Sign Up
Signup using your email address, and choose Android as the target platform. Next, select a pricing plan.
Step 2: Set Up Spylix
Access the target Android device, and using the link on your Spylix account, install the app. Next, enter your login credentials, which will activate the Hidden Mode.
Step 3: Access the Secret Conversation History
Now, open the Control Panel from your device. Click the Messenger option, and read each conversation on the application.
Facebook had a feature where some messages were not making their way to the home screen, essentially cutting off their visibility from the users.
Some of these hidden messages don’t send alerts to the user, keeping them obscured until the user manually checks where they are located. Instead, these messages are taken into a hidden vault, and the problem is that some of these messages might be very important, such as a job offer or application.
So here is the detailed set of steps on how to find Secret Messages on Facebook:
Step 1: Access the Messenger app, and open a chat.
Step 2: Navigate to ‘Settings’ in the top-right corner, and tap on ‘Go to Secret Conversation’.
Step 3: Read the messages.
Although, you can’t immediately recognize if a person may or may not be having a Secret Conversation on Messenger just by looking at the chats. However, padlock and Spylix are some ways to assess that.
Whenever a person has a Secret Conversation, you’ll find a padlock icon is shown right next to the profile picture of the person they’re chatting with. It gives away all the secret aspects. However, it would look quite normal, like just another conversation.
Whereas, if somehow you can’t find the padlock icon, then you can go through any person’s secret chat with the help of Spylix. With this, you’ll be able to read all the ongoing conversations without letting the other person know.
Moreover, it works like a tracking tool allowing parents to remotely check their child’s secret social media movements, including iMessaging, SMS, and Messenger.
Decrypting Secret Conversation on Facebook can be a daunting task. However, different online tools can make it easier for us to extract every bit of information from the chat. Spylix is one of the most reliable tools in such a situation, helping decode all the Secret Conversations without much hassle.
All you have to do is connect Spylix to your targeted person's Facebook messenger account. Then, after going through a few features, you can get all the chats that person is trying to hide with the built-in feature by Messenger.
However, with Spylix you can easily decrypt the Secret Conversations without acquiring any technical skill. Additionally, the service is encrypted and keeps the information available on the Control Panel for your eyes only.
While the Secret Conversation feature in Messenger has opened many new ways of exploring the application, it has made it more challenging to monitor the chats from a parent’s perspective. Now kids can simply talk in a Secret Conversation chat which will not be available on any other device, apart from the kid’s own.
However, many different online tools such as Spylix can easily decrypt those chats and give parents clear access so that they can intervene should any harm come to their children.
There is so much you can do with Spylix that there’s simply no way to fit them all into one short list. Here are some of the prominent features that our customers love the most!