Home> Catch Cheater> Confused Why Do Cheaters Want to Stay In Relationships? Here’s What We Think

Confused Why Do Cheaters Want to Stay In Relationships? Here’s What We Think

If there’s one thing that boggles the mind, it's the doubt “why do cheaters want to stay in relationships” even after hurting the person they claim to love. You may have been in a situation where you found out someone was unfaithful, and when confronted, they want to continue like nothing happened. There really has to be some thought process behind this.

Why Cheaters Want to Stay in Relationships

Well, you don’t have to wreck your brain over it anymore. We’re here to find out what exactly goes through a cheater’s mind and how to escape their mind games. In the end, it's important to hold your ground and stay true to yourself. So, let’s find out why cheaters stay with the person they cheated on.

Part 1: Why Do Cheaters Want to Stay in Relationships Psychology

Sometimes, cheating doesn’t mean a lack of attachment or love; cheaters are driven by their commitment issues and unresolved trauma. Here are the top ten reasons why cheaters stay in relationships even after cheating:

Cheaters Want to Stay in Relationships

#1 They’re Afraid of Being Lonely

The top motivator for any cheater to stay in relationships is that they just don’t want to be alone. Most of the people they cheat with are either a one-time thing or aren’t interested in being with them long-term.

#2 They’re Too Attached to Their Partner

Sometimes, even with a lack of loyalty and respect, cheaters can be very attached to their partners. They are used to being around them or having them in their lives and do not want that to change after their cheating comes to light.

#3 Their Partner is Financially Responsible For Them

In other cases, the partner that they cheat on is financially responsible for them - especially in marriages. If they leave, they know they’d have to live life on their own.

#4 Feelings of Shame and Guilt

Many people do feel ashamed of their actions and tend to stay with their partner to soothe their own guilt. They fool themselves into thinking that they can fix the damage they’ve caused.

#5 For The Sake of The Children

A lot of cheating occurs between married couples, and most cheaters stay in relationships for their children. They don’t want their children to suffer the consequences of their selfishness and continue to ensure a family dynamic for them.

#6 They Think They Won’t Get Caught

For many cheaters, the assurance of not getting caught makes them feel like they can stay with their partner for as long as they like. They do not think that their actions will ever come to light, so they feel at ease.

#7 They Know They Can Change

Some people genuinely believe that they can change, so they stay with their partners in hopes of never cheating again.

#8 The Thrill of a Double Life

Psychologically, cheaters get a thrill out of leading a double life. They feel empowered and confident in their ability to attract multiple partners and be desired.

#9 Lack of Consequences

If someone has cheated in the past and was not held accountable, they might continue to do so while staying in the relationship. Since they faced no consequences, they did not learn from their actions.

#10 They are Sorry

Lastly, many people actually stay in relationships because they are genuinely sorry. You might wonder, why does he stay with me if he cheats? Cheating is a grave mistake, but there are some cheaters who are remorseful and make up for it!

Part 2: How Long Do Cheaters Stay with The Person They Cheated with?

When it comes to finding out do cheaters stay with the person they cheated with, cheaters have a lot to consider. The chances of them staying with such a person greatly depend on whether the affair was just physical or emotional as well. If a cheater claims to love the person they cheated with, they are more likely to stay with them after ending their relationship.

How Long Cheaters Stay in a Relationship

If the affair was just a physical one or a one-time thing, then the cheater would easily let go of that person. However, that doesn’t mean they’d stop cheating. It is possible that they’d look for a new target and move on.

The biggest question is, what happens to the person whom they cheated on? Some cheaters can stay with their partners for years, especially if their infidelity hasn’t been discovered! Even after they are held accountable for their actions, cheaters do choose to stay in relationships.

Part 3: How to Find A Cheater Online without Them Knowing?

When it comes to your partner never cheating again, you can’t ever be too sure! The best way to find out is to monitor their phone and keep an eye on them. There may be many spying and phone-tapping apps out there, but Spylix is ahead of the game.

Splix Catch Cheating App

3.1 Key Features of Spylix Cheating Catch App

Spylix has many key features that let you stay one step ahead of cheaters. Whether you want to know who they text or where they’ve been, Spylix has got it handled. Here’s what Spylix can do:

  • Let you keep track of text conversations
  • Offer the ability to check what Wi-Fi the phone is connected to
  • Do not need the device to be rooted or jailbroken
  • Allow access to the device’s locations

So, whatever you need to ensure your peace of mind, Spylix is capable of getting it done!

3.2 How to Find A Cheater Online without Them Knowing?

If you’re interested in making sure someone won’t cheat on you again, just download Spylix from their device and monitor them from afar. Here’s how to do it for their OS type.

Spylix for Android

Step 1: First, download the Spylix app and set up an account for yourself using your email address.

Set Up an Account for Android Phone

Step 2: Follow the given instructions to link the account and click on ‘Continue’ once you think everything is set up.

Link Account Using the Given Instructions

Step 3: Now, install the Spylix app onto the target phone in an attempt to bind them. Once this is successful, you can easily spy on someone.

Find a Cheater Online without Them Knowing on Android

Spylix for iPhone

Step 1: First, go to the Spylix website and create an account. Just make sure you have a working email address that you can use.

Create Spylix Account for iPhone

Step 2: When you see a pop-up window, enter the iCloud details of the target device. This will bind it to Spylix.

Enter iCloud Credentials of the Cheater

Step 3: Now, open the dashboard and see if the target device is bound. Choose from the various features and get to spying!

Find a Cheater Online without Them Knowing on iPhone

3.3 Why Choose Spylix as The Best Cheating Catch App?

Choosing Spylix makes sense when you see the utility it offers for its price. But, above all, it is a discreet app that doesn’t require you to physically access a cheater’s phone. You can check out a plethora of monitoring options from your dashboard. The best part? Spylix isn’t easy to identify and remove from the target phone, meaning you can monitor your partner in peace.

Part 4: What Do Cheaters Say When Questioned?

If there’s one thing that we’re sure of, it's that cheaters do not like being questioned about their affairs. This is mostly because they know what they did is wrong and do not like being held accountable for their actions.

What Cheaters Say When Questioned

You might notice that they start to become defensive and agitated when you probe into the matter. This is because the fear of being caught makes them feel cornered. It can put the cheater under a lot of stress, causing them to snap. Here’s what cheaters are most likely to say:
“Are you cheating on me and trying to cover it up?”

“Why are you being so untrusting and possessive?”

“When have I ever done anything to betray you?”

“They are just a friend/acquaintance. Stop being so jealous.”

“You’re trying to gaslight me.”

After all this, people still question why women stay with men who cheat. Being gaslit is a very stressful situation. It can bring your morale down and even make you question yourself.

Part 5: What to Do If Your Partner Cheats on You?

Being cheated on can be a very traumatizing thing, especially if it came from someone you loved. However, there are always signs that you pick up right before you find out that your partner has been cheating. The biggest confusion is that ‘why do serial cheaters want to stay married or committed?’ In all honesty, no one knows.

You can keep your guard up and start looking for proof to confirm your suspicions. Cheaters always leave traces and sometimes are not careful because they think they won’t get caught. Using an app like Spylix helps you stay one step ahead since you can remotely monitor your phone. Once you have enough evidence, you can confront them.

But, confrontations can be mental exhuasting. You need to remember that they are the reason they cheated. It was not your fault, and there is nothing wrong with you. Once you bring their actions to light, it is up to you to decide how to move forward. You can end the relationship or give them another chance, but choose what puts your mind at ease.

Part 6: How to Get Over Someone Who Cheated on You and Stay Together?

Not every incidence of cheating results in a breakup. There are reasons to stay married after infidelity. If you’re in a situation like this and are worried about how to stay with your cheating partner, there’s a lot that you need to consider. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to do to get over their cheating:

How to Get Over Someone who Cheated on You

  • Have a heart-to-heart with them: Talk to your partner and hold them accountable for their actions. Hear out their apology and determine for yourself whether you think they are being genuine. You can communicate how much their actions hurt you.
  • Talk to a therapist: Since being cheated on can cause feelings of self-loathing and inferiority, it's important to talk to a therapist. A professional can help you work out your struggles and heal from your trauma. You can also consider couples therapy with your partner.
  • Set boundaries with them: Learn to stand your ground and effectively communicate your boundaries. Explain to them what you find unacceptable in a relationship and what you consider cheating.
  • Slowly rebuild your trust: Don’t rush into healing from the issue all at once. Continue going on dates and doing regular couple stuff with your partner. You can slowly rebuild your trust in time. This will also help you understand if staying together is the right move.
  • Learn to forgive and forget: Holding onto negative feelings will only sabotage your relationship moving forward. You need to be able to forgive your partner and forget the incident as well. This will prevent you from bringing it up in later arguments.

Part 7: FAQs about Cheating and Cheaters

Learning about cheaters can bring up unpleasant memories, but it’s important to understand how they think and work. Here are the most common frequently asked questions:

7.1 How do cheaters feel about themselves?

Cheaters tend to feel good about themselves during their affairs as it gives them a power trip and a confidence boost from being desired. However, once they have cheated, they begin to feel guilty over their actions. There are many people who don’t feel this guilt and are serial cheaters.

7.2 Is it worth staying with someone who cheated?

Staying with someone who cheated is only worth it if the two of you love each other a lot. The cheater must be remorseful and show a change in behavior. It also helps if you have faith in their feelings for you.

7.3 Does staying with a cheater ever work?

Yes, there are some instances where staying with a cheater has worked out. Everyone is capable of change and becoming a better person. They just need to accept their mistakes and work towards fixing them.

7.4 Do cheaters feel bad about cheating?

Whether a cheater feels bad about cheating or not strongly depends on how they are as a person. Some people are genuinely remorseful, while others do not tend to care about anyone but themselves.

7.5 Do serial cheaters ever fall in love?

No, the only person a serial cheater loves is themselves. If someone continues to cheat on their partners and has a history of cheating, they cannot love their partners.


Now that you know the answer to “why do cheaters want to stay in relationships”, you can better decide if you should stay with someone who cheated on you. At the end of the day, it all comes down to their remorse and change in behavior.

Without an improvement, it's not worth moving forward. But if you’re still worried about their actions, Spylix is the best app to keep an eye on them. You can remotely monitor their phone, access their location, and so much more!

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