Home> Catch Cheater> The Four Best Solutions On How To Catch a Cheater That Deletes Everything

The Four Best Solutions On How To Catch a Cheater That Deletes Everything

No one wants to be cheated on, but the only way to be 100% is to be able to control the actions of your partner. Since that can’t happen, you should always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. The worst part is that when you try to confront a cheater about their unfaithfulness, they’re very likely to pin it on you. However, everyone’s gotten so good at hiding their illicit affairs that they delete messages often.

So, how do you catch a cheater that deletes everything online? To confront an unfaithful partner, you need hard proof, or else they might just deny everything! That’s where our tried and tested methods of catching a cheater come in. You can now have the upper hand in your relationship and get that well-deserved peace of mind.

How to Catch a Cheater that Deletes Everything

Part 1: Does Deleting Everything Mean Cheating?

Cheating is an act that comprises many deceitful behaviors when a person is in a relationship. There are different types of cheating: physical, emotional, online, etc. Deleting messages or entire conversations hints that what a person is doing is wrong and deceitful, and it does count as cheating.

Relationships are built on trust and boundaries; if you still feel the need to delete entire conversations without a valid reason, then that is a breach of trust because, at the end of the day, if you have to delete everything, you're already cheating.

Although being honest and upfront with your partner is the best thing you can do for a healthy relationship, human beings are a lot more complex. They tend to stray if not monitored properly and keeping a close eye on your partner can save you from a world of heartache.

Part 2: Signs of a Cheating Partner Who Deletes Everything

Identifying a cheating partner who deletes everything can be tricky, but you can do it if you keep an eye out for the signs!

Signs of a Cheating Partner Who Deletes Everything

  • Secrecy: You notice that your partner has started hiding their phone or computer from you. It can start as minor as putting the phone face down around you to completely disabling notifications.
  • Frequent Deletions: The cheating partner might have chats that are seemingly empty, but you know they talk to these people a lot. Chunks of missing information mean they are trying to hide something.
  • Nervousness: If you question them about their actions, they are especially jumpy and nervous. In some cases, you might even notice them making errors in their lies.
  • Inconsistency: The nervousness of being cornered can cause the cheater to improvise and lie on the spot. This leads to inconsistencies in their stories and excuses. They always seem to blurt out a mistake and then correct themselves.
  • New Passwords: You notice that your partner has changed their passwords and is more secretive about logins. This is a red flag if you have previously been sharing credentials as a sign of mutual trust.

Part 3: What to Look for in a Cheater's Phone?

When a person cheats, they can leave hints on their phone, such as texts, media files, and online activity, that can help you catch them red-handed!

What to Look for on Cheater’s Phone

  • Missing Web Browser History

Gaps in internet activity history indicate that they deleted it and perhaps visited sites and apps they should not be using. Many dating and secret messaging websites on the internet are frequently used for cheating.

  • Hidden Notification Setting

Check their notification panel and see if they’ve disabled notifications for certain apps. This is usually a clear indicator of them wanting to hide things from you. Open the app with the disabled notifications to see how frequently they use it.

  • No Text History

When you suspect your partner of cheating, in many cases, you also have an idea of who the other person might be. If you see that they have no text history with that person but you know they talk often, something is wrong.

  • Owning Dual Sims

Unless your partner strictly separates their work and private life, there is often no need for someone to have dual sims. Check their phone for the second time and see who they text using that number.

Part 4: How to Catch a Cheater Who Deleted Everything?

The main element of confronting a cheater is having enough proof to show them what they’ve been up to. But getting that kind of proof from a cheater who deletes everything is beyond hard. You don’t have to worry, though. Here are four effective ways to get the job done:

Way 1: Use A Phone Spying App

The easiest way to catch a cheater is to use a phone spying app. These apps monitor the cheater’s phone and allow you access to their chat logs and private files. Out of all the spying apps available, Spylix is the best because of its discrete nature and comprehensive monitoring. It is the best way to learn how to catch a cheater who deletes everyone on an iPhone or Android.

Splix App for Cheaters Who Delete Everything

Key Features of Spylix Cheating Catch App

To catch a cheater, some people need help from external sources like investigators. But with Spylix, you can do it yourself. It has all the features to give you access to what you need to go through: their texts, conversations, and online activity! The following features of Spylix will help you catch a cheater: 

  • You can view deleted and ongoing text chains
  • You can track live sim location and phone location
  • You can monitor texts and text apps like WhatsApp
  • It lets you geofence websites and apps for more control
  • Gain access to deleted, stored, and sent data

How to Catch a Cheater That Deletes Everything Online?

If you suspect someone of cheating on you and deleting everything online, consider Spylix to keep tabs on their internet activity. You can spy on their incoming and outgoing calls, text exchanges, online activity, the apps they visit frequently, and much more! You can install it on Android or iPhone.

Spylix for Android

Step 1: To start, get the Spylix app and use an active email ID to sign up.

Register an Android Account on Spylix for Targeted Phone

Step 2: Follow the set of instructions on your screen. Press “Continue” on the app when you have followed the instructions.

Follow Instructions Given to Install Spylix on Android

Step 3: You only need to install the client’s app on your partner’s device to link their account whenever possible. Feel free to remotely go through their phone.

Catch a Cheater That Deletes Everything Online on Android

Spylix for iPhone

Step 1: Head to the Spylix website and create an account with your email address to get started.

Create an Account on Spylix for iPhone

Step 2: Enter the iCloud details of the target device once you see a pop-up.

Input Apple Credentials for Targeted iPhone

Step 3: Sit back and access every aspect of their phone through the Spylix dashboard.

Catch a Cheater That Deletes Everything Online on iPhone

Why Choose Spylix as The Best Cheating Catch App?

Bet you wondered, “Why choose Spylix out of all the other monitoring apps?”.It’s simple: Spylix gives you the best features at an affordable price that the other apps can’t compete with. This is what makes Spylix different:

  • You don’t have to try too hard to install it
  • It can allow you to remotely monitor target devices
  • You are given complete control over present, deleted, and hidden data
  • One-of-a-kind customer service that solves your problems no matter the time.
  • Ease of use without needing the target phone present

Way 2: Try to Recover Their Deleted Messages

If someone cheats, they may delete their texts and conversations. Recovering them can give you the proof you need to confirm your suspicions.


  1. You can get access to deleted texts on the phone messages app
  2. You can go through all the media files they have sent out
  3. You don't need to pay for an app


  1. It is time-consuming and requires you to possess the target device
  2. You may have trouble getting through multiple security passwords
  3. The texts need to be backed up on a cloud or drive

How to Recover Deleted Texts For Messages App

  1. Go to the Messages App
  2. Select the three-dot menu option and tap ‘trash’
  3. Long press to your messages
  4. Select ‘retrieve’

Way 3: Hire a Private Investigator

Another option that you have is to hire a private investigator. These individuals follow your partner around and take photos of their infidelity. They can tell you exactly where your partner goes and who he meets. It’s a more traditional approach, but many people who want the whole picture of their partner’s lives often go for it.


  1. In-depth and thorough investigation
  2. Produces hard proof


  1. Isn’t useful for online cheating
  2. It can be very costly
  3. Requires a lot of time

How to Get It Done:

  1. Look for a private investigator online or ask in your friend circle.
  2. Provide them with information on your partner and specify what you want to find out.
  3. Wait for them to come to you with the proof.

Way 4: Use Recording Devices

The last option that you have includes using a recording device planted in your house or on your partner. This device can be in the shape of a pen or accessory and often records audio-visual proof.


  1. Doesn’t require you to be physically present
  2. Produces hard proof


  1. Cannot get clear audio or visual
  2. Is easy to break or disconnect

How to Do It:

  1. Simply buy a recording device online or from the local hardware store.
  2. Have it planted in your home or on your partner
  3. Wait for them to come back so you can retrieve the USB data.
  4. Watch the proof on your computer.

Part 5: What is The Best Way to Catch a Cheating Spouse Who is Very Clever?

Cheaters can be quite cunning and it's often difficult to learn how to catch a cheater who deletes everything. The best way is to use a monitoring app that lets you get hard proof on them. Once you have enough proof, you can easily confront the cheater.

You may have been asking yourself why does my husband delete his history? Is it really that big of a deal? Well, it is an established fact that if you have to delete messages, you're already cheating. So, don’t shy away from a confrontation.

Part 6: How Do Cheaters Act When You Catch Them?

If there’s one thing that cheaters hate, it's being caught. They showcase a range of behaviors from agitated to victimized, all to escape the blame. Here are common ways in which cheaters may respond to being caught:

How Cheaters Act When You Catch Them

  • Playing the Victim: Cheaters are master manipulators. They will turn a confrontation around by suggesting that you’re the one who made them cheat. They might even bring up how they’re the victim in the relationship.
  • Stonewalling: In some cases, the cheater might go dead silent. They won’t accept or deny any of the accusations. Instead, they might even seem disappointed or hurt and genuinely ‘too upset to talk to you.’
  • Accountability and Remorse: It is rare for cheaters to feel remorse for their actions during a confrontation, but it does happen. These are the people who genuinely cheated and regretted it. You can tell by their tone and choice of words.
  • Aggression: In an ideal situation, when you go to confront a cheater, always have someone with you. Some cheaters do not take accusations well and can resort to violence. They will want to punish you for questioning their actions.
  • Gaslighting: The worst probable response a cheater can have to your confrontation is to gaslight you. Some cheaters are so confident in their ability to lie and hide things that they believe they can convince you that you’re crazy. If you come across one, run.

Part 7: How Do You Deal with Someone Who Cheated on You? 

Finding out that your partner cheated on you can be a deeply distressing situation. Consider taking the following when you have to deal with being cheated on.

How to Deal With Someone Who Cheated On You

Take time to process your emotions

You can ask for a break from your partner to understand how you feel about them and the situation. You will experience a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from anger to sadness.

Evaluate the relationship

Analyze your relationship and its dynamics. Is this his first time behaving strangely or do you suspect he has cheated before? Have there been more difficult times than good ones? Did they meet your expectations or was the relationship at its end?

Confront and Communicate

If you choose to confront your partner for cheating, do it calmly and assertively. Express your feelings and concerns honestly. Be prepared for the possibility of denial, defensiveness, or further dishonesty from them. Explore the reasons leading up to the event.

Seek Support

It is never easy to confront the person you love for being unfaithful, nor is it safe. Always talk to the ones you’re closest to about your plan of action. Have someone wait outside for you or update your friends about where you will do it. Having the support of your people can greatly impact your confidence.


At the end of the day, the decision of how your relationship moves forward is ultimately yours. You need to think about how you feel for this person and whether you want them to be a part of your life anymore.


No matter what type of relationship you’re in, cheating is always a big no. If you have to delete messages, you’re already cheating. But, there are people out there who believe that they can hide their affairs and never get caught. Their MO? Deleting all proof of the cheating.

Now that you know how to catch a cheater who deletes everything on their phone, you don’t have to shy away from a confrontation. Apps like Spylix help give you the proof you need to avoid any gaslighting. Stand up for yourself and confront them!

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