Home> Catch Cheater> How Likely Are You to Get Cheated on? Cheating Statistics 2024

How Likely Are You to Get Cheated on? Cheating Statistics 2024

Cheating and being unfaithful to your partner is a global phenomenon, more prevalent in some countries than others. People cheat for many different reasons; this is why the trends in the statistics vary so much.

Cheating Statistics

Around 25-40% of people get cheated on worldwide. Since technology has become so widespread, the method of cheating has shifted to online and workplace-focused affairs. This is relatively new as compared to previous statistics.

Just because it is highly likely that you’ll get cheated on doesn’t mean the statistics can prepare you for the pain that comes with it. But, understanding these statistics can give you an idea of what to be wary of. Check out these cheating statistics 2024 to have the upper hand.

Part 1: What Are the Statistics for Cheating?

Since there are so many different types and terms for cheating nowadays, it is hard to determine an accurate estimate of cheating statistics that include every aspect of the act. It is estimated that 25-40% of individuals have admitted to having cheated on their partner at some point in their life. Cheating statistics for men vs. women vary greatly throughout the world.

In the United States, this ranges from 20-25%, and it is hard to put a specific range for the phenomenon of cheating globally as many cultural and societal factors influence it. It is observed that cheating/ infidelity occurs more in the early dating time period for couples as compared to marriage, but still, there are a significant amount of cases for the latter.

The major causes for cheating, according to data, are unfulfilled commitment to partners and relationships, emotional neglect, sexual dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and general personality traits. Certain trends are observed in cheating that are linked to age, gender, relationship status, education, religious preference, etc.

Part 2: What You Should Know about Cheating Statistics 2024

Cheating is never acceptable, but it sure is prevalent. Here’s what the cheating statistics of the year look like so far:

What You Should Know About Cheating Statistics

2.1 Cheating Statistics Worldwide

The cheating statistics worldwide show a trend of infidelity regardless of geographic location. A study in 2017 indicated that 20% of men and 13% of women cheated on their partners. Around 16% of married couples owned up to having married couples, while 25% of unmarried couples. Generally, around 30% of cheating cases happen due to affairs at the workplace.

2.2 General Statistics of Cheating in 2024

Despite an increase in cheating cases involving unfaithful women, men are still more likely to cheat in 2024. Data for cheating statistics 2024 shows that 1/4th of men in relationships cheat and are less likely to feel guilty about it compared to women.

Another growing trend is the prevalence of online cheating. Statistics show that at least 25% of the people on dating platforms such as Tinder are cheating on their partners. 10% of partners found out they were being cheated on online. This has also translated into a rise in workplace-related affairs, often occurring online and at work.

2.3 Infidelity Rates by Country

Cheating is alarmingly high in Asian countries. Japan has normalized cheating in relationships, with about 40% of the population admitting to having affairs. This is followed up by Thailand, where 50% of the people agree to be unfaithful in their relationships.

However, these look like rookie numbers when compared to the western world. Denmark, Italy, and Germany rank on average with Asian countries with a cheating rate at or below 46%. The UK and Australia averaged 70% of the thor population admitting to cheating. The highest number belongs to the United States, where cheating rates soar at 84%, an all-time high.

2.4 What is The Rate of Cheating by Gender?

Infidelity rates in women have increased by an average of 40% over the past 20 years, yet men still are headed when it comes to cheating. Recent infidelity statistics show that 20% of men and 13% of women reported having sexual relationships with people other than their partners.

Cheating mostly takes place when non-married individuals are 18-25 years old. For men, cheating peaks at an all-time high from the age of 60-70. Women tend to peak a decade earlier at around 50-59 years of age. Women are more likely to have emotional affairs as compared to men, with statistics tallying at 91% vs 70% respectfully. Cheating statistics by gender show that men and women have different prime years for infidelity.

2.5 Statistics of Admitting to Cheating

On average 16% of married couples have admitted to cheating on their partners during the course of their marriage. Men are more likely to admit to cheating on their partner at 24% as compared to women at 17%. Around 47% of all cheaters confess to their partners within a week of the incident. Women lead the statistics of delaying to tell their partner by just under 2%.

2.6 Social Media Cheating Statistics

Online cheating is increasing day by day. 1 out of 10 individuals admit to hiding online messages and conversations from their partner and having secret accounts.

About 25% of Tinder users worldwide are committed, while the percentage of adults using Tinder to cheat in the USA is estimated to be 40%. Individuals tend to use secret apps such as Calculator Pro+, which look like normal apps but are used to send secret messages and cheat.

2.7 Workplace Affairs Statistics

Extramarital affairs statistics state that most cheating, in married and unmarried couples, occurs at workplaces due to the convenience and closeness of the other person.

  • 60% of emotional affairs originate at the workplace, and the workplace is the basis for 30% of new infidelity cases.
  • 36% of individuals admitted to having cheated on their partner with a coworker.
  • 53% of men and 27% of women admitted to cheating in the workplace.
  • Women in medical and educational professions are likely to cheat more than men but by a few percentages.

2.8 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater Statistics

The statistics show a staggering likelihood of cheaters repeating their mistakes. A person who cheated in their first relationship was three times as likely to do it again. Almost half of the adults who cheat in their relationships are open to doing it again. A reduction in these numbers was seen when the couples had open communication with one another.

Recovering your relationship once your partner has cheated is possible without having the events happen again. These once a cheater, always a cheater statistics show that you need to do more than simply trust your partner after they’ve cheated once. Keep a more thorough eye on them to avoid being betrayed again.

Part 3: Why Do People Cheat?

The reason varies from individual to individual, and it also varies from gender to gender. 44% of men have been reported to cheat for more sex as they feel a lack of attraction and fulfillment in the relationship, while 41% of women cheat on an emotional basis for more bonding and understanding.

Why People Cheat

On the other hand, a significant amount of data also shows that 41% of individuals cheat in happy relationships and marriages, which makes the definite cause hard to pin. Commonly understood causes for cheating are low self-esteem, sex addiction, emotional neglect, sexual dissatisfaction, boredom, being under the influence, revenge, and unhealthy personality traits.

Partners that are more dependent on the other tend to cheat more due to unbalanced power dynamics, especially in men, as it increases by 15%. A lot of individuals in happy marriages have reported cheating because of opportunity and the temptation they face in situations, showing that they felt no actual need to cheat but ended up doing so.

Part 4: How to Catch A Cheater Secretly?

To catch a cheater, you need to have suspicions of any unusual behaviors by your partner that indicate they may be cheating on you. Look for the signs such as:

  • Suddenly wanting to get into shape and pay attention to physical appearance
  • Spending a lot of time on their devices
  • Leaving the room when attending phone calls
  • Hiding text messages and putting locks on their devices
  • Spending late hours at work and returning later than usual
  • Going to “office” and “friend” hangouts more than usual
  • Loss of interest in sex with their partner
  • Finding reasons to be alone
  • Having their phone off when they are not around you
  • Texting while you are asleep

Spylix is the solution to finding out whether your partner is cheating on you or not, as it can help address most of the above issues and put an end to your suspicions.

4.1 Key Features of Spylix Cheating Catch App

Whether you’re looking to keep up with what they say about you or find out where they’ve been going, Spylix is the perfect app. The following features of Spylix will help you catch a cheater: 

  • Read through their texts across 17 social media platforms
  • See their live location and places they visit most often
  • Retrieve deleted messages from the messages app, WhatsApp, and more
  • You can block Wifi connections, apps, and websites
  • Remotely monitor someone without them knowing

4.2 How to Catch A Cheater Secretly?

If you want to ensure your partner is not cheating on you, consider installing Spylix on their device to monitor them secretly. You can install it on Android or iPhone.

Spylix for Android

Step 1: To start, you must download the Spylix app and set up your account with an email address.

Set Up Account on Spylix for Targeted Android

Step 2: Follow through with the onscreen instructions and click on ‘Continue’ once everything is in order.

Follow Onscreen Instructions to Install Spylix

Step 3: You only need to install the Spylix app on the target device to link their account whenever possible. Now you can easily access any information.

How to Catch a Cheater Secretly on Android

Spylix for iPhone

Step 1: Use your email address to make an account on the Spylix website.

Register an iPhone Account on Spylix

Step 2: Add the iCloud ID of the target device in the pop-up window on the screen.

Anter iCloud ID of the Cheater’s iPhone

Step 3: Access the Spylix dashboard once the target device is bound and have fun spying!

How to Catch a Cheater Secretly on iPhone

4.3 Why Choose Spylix as The Best Cheating Catch App?

So, with so many spying apps on the market, what makes Spylix different? It’s simple: Spylix gives you the best features at an affordable price that the other apps can’t compete with. This is what makes Spylix different:

  • You don’t have to worry about a learning curve since it is easy to use
  • It is much cheaper than most competitors
  • Gives you access to many monitoring features one common dashboard
  • Lets you access information remotely without needing the target device

Part 5: What Should You Do After Catching A Cheater?

What to Do After Catching a Cheater

It’s never easy to find out that your partner has been unfaithful to you, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your world. Once you find out they have been cheating, here’s what you do:

Take time to process your emotions

Let it hit. Cheating is a very stressful truth to come across but it is one that you have to accept. Understand that your partner willingly committed such a mistake and has to be held accountable for hurting you. Make a mental chart of what you would want to say when you confront them.

Evaluate the relationship

Look back at your relationship and see if you can remember when your partner started to act suspicious. This is incredibly helpful when putting together proof for a confrontation. You can also take this time to evaluate what the relationship really was and if you want it to continue.


If you choose to confront your partner for cheating, do it calmly and assertively. Express your feelings and concerns honestly. Be prepared for the possibility of denial, defensiveness, or further dishonesty from them. Explore the reasons leading up to the event.

Seek Support

Tell your loved ones about your predicament. There is no shame in being cheated on since it says nothing about you as a person. Do not let such feelings hinder you from letting your friends and family in. With their support, you will be able to accept your new life.

Make a Decision

Once you have taken a look at everything, decide what you want to do next. The ball is in your court and you have to choose how to confront your partner. You can even end the relationship without confronting them. At the heart of your decision, should be loyalty to yourself alone.

Part 6: FAQs about Cheating Statistics

With such high cheating statistics, one would wonder who is safe. Here’s what other people have been asking about on this topic:

6.1 Is cheating more common today?

Yes, due to the internet and easy access to apps that enable cheating, infidelity has become increasingly common nowadays. A change in general outlook on cheating has also led to its widespread increase as people are starting to become desensitized to it.

6.2 Are infidelity rates increasing?

There has been a general increase in infidelity rates for both men and women since the 90s. The change in social norms and society’s rejection of monogamous values is contributing to this increase in the rate of infidelity. Another factor that affects these rates is the new forms and terms for cheating; emotional and online cheating is contributing to the cheating statistics.

6.3 Can a cheater stop cheating?

Though statistics on cheating suggest that those who have cheated are more likely to cheat in the future, there is much evidence that a cheating partner can be reformed and not engage in the act again during the relationship. It depends on effective communication between the couple and remorse or cheater guilt felt in the partner. However, it is advised to keep an eye on your partner to prevent the situation from reoccurring.

6.4 Who statistically cheats more often?

Data shows that men are more likely to cheat on their partners through trends like age, education, religion, geographic location, etc. There has been an increasing trend in female infidelity cases, but overall, the statistics are almost equal on specific aspects of cheating. The takeaway is that anyone can cheat!

6.5 Which country has the most loyal men?

If you’re looking for a relationship paradise, Greenland is the top pick. It has the lowest infidelity rates in the whole world and even lower rates for cheating in men. But, it is a person’s values and upbringing that determine if they will cheat on you or not. Regardless of where you find them, there are faithful men out there.


The cheating statistics 2024 are all the more reason to have your guard up in a relationship. These numbers show that you are more likely to be cheated on than find a partner for life. But does that mean you give up hope and stop believing in love? Absolutely not.

What you need is a monitoring solution to keep your partner in check. And Spylix is the best tool to get the job done. It gives you remote access to your partner’s phone and lets you keep an eye on what they’re doing. With Spylix, you can rest assured that no cheater will catch you off guard ever again!

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